O’Brien’s Radiology for the Eqine Ambulatory Practitioner
Manual of Veterinary Clinical Chemistry: A Case Study Approach

Timothy R. O’Brien
• Guide to diagnostic radiology for the equine practitioner and student;
• Diagnostic radiographs in the field; the carpus and the stifle and distally to the foot;
• Detailed techniques for optimal performance of the radiographic examination, production of high quality images and interpretation of the results;
• Practical assessment of the economic benefits of diagnostic radiology in practice and methods for determining cost and profitability;
• Liberally illustrated with over 450 high quality diagnostic images;
• A clear explanation of the value of radiology in the Purchase Examination.

Leslie Sharkey and Judith Radin
• A practical resource for improving skills of clinical chemistry interpretation and clinical reasoning.
• 125 ilustrated case studies emaphasizing differentiaion of diseases with similar laboratory findings.
• Ancillary hematology, cytology, urinalysis, coagulation and radiographic findins are integrated with the case studies as appropriate.
• Each case contains an Interpretation Section where all abnormal findings are reviewed and a Summary Section where abnormalities are integrated leading to a final diagnosis and recommendations for further testing;.
• All cases involve real patients with real findings in dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, llamas and pot bellied pigs.
A Guide to Poisonous House and Garden Plants
The Equine Acute Abdomen

Anthony P. Knight
• The most current information about plant toxicity in dogs and cats.
• Identify poisonous plants in the home and garden, the toxic properties of the plants and the clinical signs that can be expected.
• Includes 192 domestic and exotic plant species; with an emphasis on plants typically found in and around the home.
• Includes detailed discussions of the plant toxins, the plant parts that are most dangerous, and the first aid that should be considered.
• The common name, most common species, plant description and one or more pictures for each plant.
• Over 350 high quality color photos assist in easy plant identification.
• Plants are indexed by common name

Nat White, DVM, MS, James Moore DVM, MS, Timothy Mair, DVM, MS PhD
Allows users to effectively diagnose and treat any acute disease of the stomach, intestines, peritoneum, liver and abdominal wall Provides a through discussion of normal and abnormal anatomy and physiology Surgical techniques broken down into an easy to read step-by-step format. Over 410 illustrations.
The Practice of Veterinary Anesthesia: Small Animals, Birds, Fish and Reptiles
Canine Reproduction and Neonatology

Donald C. Sawyer
A practical and concise guide to anesthesia practice for the non specialist. A clear guide to problem solving breed predispositions, surgical procedures and disease conditions that place the patient at higher risk for anesthesia. Over 50 well designed tables covering drugs, complications and specific disease conditions.

Marthina L. Greer, DVM, JD
• A practical and liberally illustrated working guide on canine breeding management and health.
• Provides detailed protocols for vaccination and management of important reproductive diseases and disorders.
• All aspects of assisted reproduction are evaluated and step by step procedures are provided.
• Fifty one thoughtfully developed Appendices are provided for use by staff, clients and veterinarians. The appendices are provided in printed and digital form for efficient and easy use.
• A current and thorough drug formulary is provided.
CLICK HERE to download Canine editable forms.
Equine Embryo Transfer
The Veterinary ICU Book

Patrick M. McCue, Edward L. Squires
Embryo transfer has become a big business, especially for breeding racing stock (horses and camels), and is therefore a very important aspect of equine practice. Ed Squires and Pat McCue have been involved with the development of embryo collection and transfer procedures since the early 60’s and have both contributed important techniques and innovations to the process through their research and clinical experience. This book captures the clinical experience, so far, and applies it directly to equine practice. The book is of great value to general Equine practitioners for reference, Equine reproduction specialists, Animal Science at the graduate level (Equine track) and breeders.

Wayne E. Wingfield DVM, Marc R. Raffe, DVM
Comprehensive resource for any health care provider in an emergency or critical care setting; consistent layout; extensive algorithms, diagnostic imaging and original line drawings; ethical and legal considerations; guidelines for organizing, equipping and staffing a critical care unit.
Management of Small Animal Distal Limb Injuries
A Guide to Hematology in Dogs and Cats

Steven F. Swaim, Janet A. Welch, Robert L. Gillette
Small Animal Distal Limb Injuries provide the small and mixed animal practitioner with a definitive but practical, step-by-step guide to the management of soft tissue, orthopedic and athletic injuries of the distal limbs in dogs and cats.

Alan H. Rebar DVM Peter S. MacWilliams DVM, Bernard F. Feldman DVM, Fred L. Metzger DVM, Roy V. H. Pollock DVM and John Roche MS
200 full-color photomicrographs; indications for hematology; blood collection; optimizing in-clinic results; interpretation guidelines; qualitative vs quantitative analysis; abnormal and normal cell morphology; hematologic abnormalities; case studies; self-test questions
Lymphoma in Dogs and Cats
A Manual of Equine Diagnostic Procedures

Wallace B. Morrison DVM
• Compasionate care of the patient with lymphoma;
• Comprehensive overview of current standards for diagnosis and treatment of non-cutaneous and cutaneous lymphomas in dogs and cats;
• Clear guidelines for diagnostic workups, toxicity grading, rescue protocols and nutritional management;
• Sixteen extensive and easy to use tables for quick retrieval of critical information needed for the effective use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy protocols.

John Schumacher, H. David Moll
This book is designed to be a step-by-step manual describing the 55 most commonly performed diagnostic procedures in horses. It will be used by third and fourth year veterinary students taking the Large Animal Medicine and Surgery course, and in the Equine Medical and Surgical rotations. It will also be used by Equine and Mixed Animal Practitioners as a guide in clinical practice. Chapter 24 concentrates on techniques for joint injection and aspiration. The manual is not exhaustive. The procedures covered are those preferred by the authors.
Practical Veterinary Dermatopathology
Anesthesia and Pain Management for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians

Sonya Bettenay, BVSc,DipED,MACVSC,FACVSc, Ann Hargis, DVM,MS,ACVP
A practical guide for students, veterinarians, and technicians explaining the when, why, where, and how of biopsy collection and submission of samples, interpretation of the results and presentation of common disease states. Emphasis is on dermatopathologic procedure and interpretation for the Dermatologist and non dermatopathologist.

Tamara L. Grubb, Mary Albi, Shelley Ensign, Janel Holden, Shona Meyer, Nicole Valdez
This textbook and clinical guide is ideal for veterinary nurses and technicians in training. It offers a concise yet comprehensive resource for veterinary students and practitioners desiring a review of anesthesia and analgesia with step-by-step guidelines. A wealth of illustrations illustrate the theory in practice.
Laboratory Manual for Clinical Veterinary Technology
A Guide to Plant Poisoning of Animals in North America

Oreta Marie Samples, M. Scott Echols
Veterinary students and practicing technicians will find this book to be an important bench manual as well as an educated tool to have on their desk. Also included in the package is a free online resource for testing and additional information.

Anthony P. Knight and Richard G. Walter
380 full color photos; Plant identifier component allows instant identification; geographic location maps; clear descriptions of toxins and modes of action; glossary of botanical terms; extensively referenced; fully searchable.