Teton NewMedia’s most successful series, the Made Easy Series, is designed to break down complicated veterinary procedures and information into a ‘made easy’ format. Made Easy Series books contain: accessible clinical information; a highly visual presentation; are brief and informative; the CD-ROM companions expand coverage including extensive image libraries, videos and case studies, and provide instantaneous search capabilities.
Pain Management, 2nd Edition
ECG, Echocardiography

William J. Tranquilli DVM; Kurt A. Grimm DVM and Leigh A. Lamont DVM
Pain terminology, physiology, perception, and strategies for management; analgesic drug formulary and techniques; managing pain for specific conditions and procedures including trauma patient guidelines; controlling chronic pain.

Larry Patrick Tilley DVM, Naomi L. Burtnick MT
ECG performance guidelines, applications, anatomy overview and recording techniques, P-QRS-T measurement definitions, Canine and Feline normal values, arrhythmia interpretation guidelines, 56 EKG examples with treatment recommendations, anti-arrhythmic, drug table.
Practical Transfusion Medicine

Bernard F. Feldman, Carolyn A. Sink
A “Bench Level” guide to routinely performed laboratory procedures in a transfusion service for dogs and cats; Step-by-step procedures for separation of whole blood into blood components; Guidelines for Biosafety and Quality Assurance for a Transfusion Service; A “How-To” guide for establishing a community based Blood Bank for dogs and cats; An excellent resource for in-service training of office personnel at any level of experience.

David L. Panciera, Anthony P. Carr
A practical guide to the diagnosis, treatment and long term care of dogs and cats with endocrine disease. Includes physical examination laboratory testing, diagnostic imaging, all approved drugs and management of complications.
Laboratory Urinalysis and Hematology

Carolyn A. Sink MS,MT, Bernard F. Feldman DVM
“Bench Level” guide to routinely performed laboratory procedures for Urinalysis and Hematologic testing; step-by-step procedure for both Manual and automated testing of all blood components; guidelines for microscopic analysis of urine sediment including crystals and casts; high quality images depicting normal and abnormal findings.

Ralf S. Müller Dr.med.vet
Dermatologic history and examination guidelines; specific tests such as cytology, Wood’s lamp examination, fungal cultures and trichograms; testing indications, techniques and interpretation guidelines; treatment for specific conditions including fungal infections, pruritus and bacterial infections; breed predilections appendix.
Echocardiography, Two Dimentional and MMode
Abdominal Radiology

June A. Boon MS
Positioning techniques; interpretation guidelines with reference parameters; features of common congenital and acquired cardiac diseases including subaortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, pericardial effusion and endocarditis; reference cards are laminated and ring bound; examination techniques; assessment of routine images; measurement of cardiac structures; canine normal values.

Judith A. Hudson DVM, William R. Brawner DVM, Merrilee Holland DVM, Margaret Blaik DVM
Indications for radiography, techniques for better radiographs, normal anatomy, abnormal opacities, roentgen signs of abdominal masses, lay-flat binding for practical use in the clinic.

Cheryl Chrisman DVM, Christopher Mariani DVM, Simon Platt BVM&S, Rodger Clemmons DVM
Neuroanatomy; patient evaluation guidelines; examination techniques; lesion location; common conditions; differential diagnoses including history, frequency of occurrence, key diagnoses tests, treatment guidelines & disease process overview.